

Who: Female and male ski racers aged 18 (as of December 31) to 85 and over.

What: The Alpine Canada Masters’ programme is a recreational programme that allows adult skiers to develop their technical skills and maintain a healthy lifestyle while competing with skiers from across the country and internationally.  Whether you are a former competitor or a new racer, the Masters’ programme is a fun way to enhance your skills on the slopes and be an example of the sport for life philosophy.

Get involved: Find a club near you to join a Masters programme and become an Alpine Canada member.  You can also contact your Masters’ regional representative for help.

Types of membership: Please note*** provincial fees vary by province.

Master's Weekend Pass:  Members over the age of 18 competing in Masters' events. Weekend cards can be purchased in any region however not out of province. Masters' athletes wishing to race in another province MUST hold a Master's national card. TRAINING - May train at any preapproved venue worldwide  with a registered club program. COMPETITION - Valid for competition within home province only. REQUIRED INSURANCE - Commercial general liability. RECOMMENDED INSURANCE - Provincial health care, family  or personal insurance policies for excess medical and sport accident.

Master's National card:  For members over the age of 18 competing in Masters' events. National cards are purchased through your province of registration. TRAINING - May train at any preapproved venue worldwide with a registered club program. COMPETITION - May compete in sanctioned Masters' events nationally. Eligible to purchase a FIS licence. REQUIRED INSURANCE - Commercial general liability. RECOMMENDED INSURANCE - Provincial health care, family or personal insurance policies for excess medical and sport accident.

Masters FIS card: For members over the age of 30 years. Must hold a National card. COMPETITION - Eligible to race in FIS Masters' events internationally. ***Mandatory to hold a national card to be able to register for a Canadian FIS masters licence. REQUIRED INSURANCE - Commercial general liability. RECOMMENDED INSURANCE - Provincial health care, family or personal insurance policies for excess medical and sport accident.

FIS Masters’ equipment rules: Please note, FIS Masters’ ski length recommendations do not apply to the Canadian Masters’ events. Please visit the Alpine Canada Alpin National Competition Rules for further information in relation to National Masters' equipment standards and the FIS site for FIS Masters equipment standards. 

International racers: All non-Canadian racers who wish to enter an Alpine Canada sanctioned race must have their entries submitted by their National Ski Organization (PTSO) to Alpine Canada at minimum 2 weeks prior to the event. Entries are to be submitted to Incomplete or late entries will not be accepted.

FAQ about Masters' racing

Masters Resources: 
Contact info: National committee

World Cup Points 

Canadian Masters' Alpine Team 

Canadian Masters Hall of Fame 


Masters' National Committee
Masters’ newsletter:  Subscribe 

Masters Facebook: Masters on Facebook,

Master's Website: Alpine Canada Masters 


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