This article was originally posted at Canadian Alpine Masters

Our 2020 season started out with a bang with the third World Winter Masters’ Games (WWMG) held in January, in Austria, with over 60 Canadian racers participating, followed by four FIS Masters Cup (FMC) races and the Canadian Masters’ Alpine Championships held less than a month later, in Stoneham, with 86 racers participating from eight countries. How that seems like an eternity ago! Due to the COVID-19 crisis, our short season crashed to a premature end on March 13th. From that day forward, almost everything involving groups to congregate was cancelled in the name of physical distancing!
Obviously, this led to many questions about the selection of the 2020/21 Canadian Masters’ Alpine Team (CMAT). Your Masters’ National Committee discussed this extensively and decided that the selection criteria shall remain the same, in light of the shortened season, as has been done at all other levels of ski racing: FIS, Nor-Am, Europa and FIS Masters.

The Committee also thought that we could all do with some positivity right now so we decided to go ahead as 19 racers qualified under the published criteria, in a “DNF” season! Therefore, it is a pleasure to announce 2020/21 CMAT.
Congratulations to the following Masters who met the criteria and had the top points within their age categories!

Gender, Age Category, Name, Province (# years on CMAT)
F, 75-79, HOUDE Denyse, ON (10)
F, 60-64, COLLINS Irene, AB (6)
F, 60-64, FURSEY Wendy, ON (8)
F, 55-59, SUNDBERG Hannele, ON (9)
F, 55-59, KOFFLER-BOYMAN Tiana*, ON (1)
F, 18-29, DYER Cailey, ON (1)
M, 75-79, HOUDE Michael, ON (10)
M, 75-79, IBLE Keith, AB (6)
M, 70-74, LAJOIE Jules, BC (7)
M, 70-74, BÉGIN Pierre, QC (9)
M, 65-69, ROBBINS Mike, ON (3)
M, 60-64, BEAUREGARD Philip, BC (2)
M, 60-64, SUTHERLAND Jeff, ON (7)
M, 60-64, OEHY Daniel*, ON (1)
M, 55-59, STAR David, ON (1)
M, 55-59, SEVACK Lloyd*, QC (9)
M, 50-54, DOUNAEV Kirill, ON (2)
M, 45-49, WALKER David, ON (5)
M, 18-29, SKOF Justin, ON (1)
* Qualified for CMAT by participating in a minimum of five FIS Masters’ races outside of Canada.

Final World Cup Points for the 2019/20 season.

Lloyd Sevack | President
Canadian Alpine Masters

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